Alt Ref NoMR/6/5
TitleEnlistment books
DescriptionThis series of books dates from 1919 onwards. In 1919, the army was renumbered. Each Regiment was assigned a unique batch of numbers. The Manchester Regiment was assigned the numbers 3511001-3589000. Volumes 15-27 are arranged in numerical order by army number. The information is arranged in three columns. Along with the army number, column one records whether Territorial or Regular (indicated by T or R), surname and name is recorded in column 2, and transfers to other Corps or cause of becoming non-effective in column 3. This final column may contain details such as 'transferred to [whichever] corps', 'prisoner of war', 'died', 're-enlisted in [whichever] corps' etc. The books described as 'over and under' books record transfers into the Manchester Regiment. The 'over numbers' refer to army numbers higher (or 'over') than those of the Manchesters, i.e. 3589001 and higher. Likewise the 'under numbers' were lower than the Manchester numbers, i.e. up to 3511000. So if a soldier from the West Yorkshire Regiment, whose army numbers were 4523001-4601000 (i.e. over / higher than the Manchesters), transferred into the Manchester Regiment, this transfer would be recorded in the over book.
Extent44 volumes
Ref NoGB131.MR/6/5
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