Alt Ref NoMR4/17/349
Acc No3677
TitlePapers of Private W. Myerscough No. 3523371, Manchester Regiment.
DescriptionOne Soldier's Service Book, Army Book 64 (Part1) named to Walter Myerscough who enlisted 8/6/1929 for seven years with the colours and five with the reserves, the date of the start of the book is 23/3/1941. This book is in poor condition and some pages are loose. One Soldier's Release Book Class "A" named to W. Myerscough, contains a record of service Army Form W5258, one pay form R.16 dated 1/1/1942, Pay Form No. 48 dated 27/12/1945, small Discharge Booklet issued by the War Office dated 15/7/1944, one Certificate of tax and pay named to Walter Myerscough dated 17/4/1946, one Certificate of Transfer to the Army Reserve, Army Form X 202/B dated 8/2/1946, one Income Tax Year 1945-46 salaries and wages form named to W. Myerscough dated 1/8/1947, one Income Tax Year 1946-47 pay as you earn leaflet.
Extent1 bundle
Ref NoGB131.MR/17/350
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