Alt Ref NoDD30/1
Acc No0038
Description"A Communication given to Joanna Southcott on a law being made for Satan". Handwritten. "Patience Judson Book Duckenfield" written on inside cover.
Date1813 Jul 18
Extent1 item
AdminHistoryBagshawe's Directory of 1850 lists Patience Judson as a shopkeeper on New Road, Dukinfield. Her address in 1846 was "Crab Tree Fold".
CustodialHistoryThis was rescued after a fire at Rock Cottage, Blockley, a Southcottian centre for over 50 years, in 1971. It probably came to Miss Alice Seymour, the owner of Rock Cottage, by the will of Thomas Molineaux of "near Manchester" who left her a large collection of Southcottian papers.
Ref NoGB131.0038
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